You can buy Annie Sloan paint and products, including Chalk Paint®, through our global network of Annie Sloan Stockists. We are proud to have over 1200 stockists worldwide.
Find an Annie Sloan Stockist Near You

Annie's community of 1,200 Stockists can be found in over 50 countries around the world. From the UK to Australia via India, the USA and many more!

Many of our Stockists are trained in the Annie Sloan Method, which means they can offer practical advice on paint techniques and colour. They’re committed to helping you get the most out of Annie’s products and can recommend the best books, products, or YouTube tutorials to help you with your projects!

Some Annie Sloan Stockists offer hands-on workshops where you can learn the most popular Chalk Paint techniques and familiarise yourself with our whole range of decorative finishes. Chalk Paint workshops are ideal for confidence building, to break a creative block, or for a fun day out with friends.