Frosted Dresser
by Girl in Blue Designs
Painter in Residence Charlie Massey of Girl in Blue Designs painted this ombre dresser with a frosted, frozen look.

Girl in Blue Designs began at the bottom of the dresser which is where she placed her deepest Chalk Paint® colour, Napoleonic Blue. From the bottom she layered strips of Aubusson Blue, then Provence, then Duck Egg Blue, which she faded into Pure White. She used a classic ombre technique; working with wet paint, on small areas at a time, and with a water spray to hand to rewet where necessary to make the blending easier.

After applying a second coat of Pure and allowing to dry fully she then used a dry Chalk Paint® Brush to add a frosting of Duck Egg Blue over areas of the Pure. This was the same brush with which she had blended the darker colours, so you can see some Aubusson Blue and Napoleonic in the finish. She did the same technique using a Pure and Duck Egg Blue mix along the bottom to create an almost “misted” look. Finally, once dry, the whole piece has been given a lick of Clear Chalk Paint® Wax to finish and protect.
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