Fabric Covered Drawers
by shed eleven

This is an Australian Depression era chest of drawers from the 1930s. It’s been given a soft and feminine makeover by Fanny of shed eleven. Channeling the make-do-and-mend ingenuity of the Depression era, Fanny used a linen sheet belonging to her French great grandmother, Renée Lebée. She cut out the monogram and some feature florals and used them to re-cover the front panels of the drawers to provide extra detail.
The linen was dyed using Chalk Paint® in Aubusson, Florence and Giverny. The colours have been very heavily diluted to create soft, pastel tints rather than strong shades. To seal fabric after dyeing, allow the fabric to dry and then heat it to seal using a tumble dryer or iron. The wooden parts have been given a wash of Old White – as has the sewing box, and the mannequin’s fetching straw hat. Again, this requires a very water heavy ratio of paint to water to create softness. Everything is waxed with Clear Chalk Paint® Wax as usual to finish and protect.
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Chalk Paint
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