
Jak pomalować farbą Chalk Paint™ w kolorze Lem Lem

Hello, I’m Annie Sloan and I’m supporting Oxfam. I’ve made a new colour called Lem Lem inspired by my trip to Ethiopia. Every tin of Lem Lem sold will raise vital funds for Oxfam helping to fight poverty worldwide.

It’s called Chalk Paint® and you can paint onto anything, you don’t have to sand it, you don’t have to prime it, you can just get stuck in. So what I’ve chosen to show you today is something that a lot of you will have at your houses. It’s a varnished bit of pine, it could be waxed, but you can go straight on it. I don’t have to do anything as I said. So I’m going to use this brush, which is a nice bristly brush, and that’s it! I’m just going to start painting.

This pine is a particularly hard colour to cover so I’ll probably find that I’m needing two coats of it. You’ll see that I paint every which way. I don’t paint like this I could but I think it suits the paint better if you go every which way.

This paint allows you to do many techniques. So I could do it with texture which what I’m going to do it with this one. If I wanted to do it without texture, I would take this brush and maybe add a little bit of water and then I would paint it more in a conventional way. Painting it every which way and then finishing off by sort of feathering it, getting it equal all over, and then feathering it. That means painting it like that. This paint requires no sanding, no priming.

[1 hour later]

So it’s all dry now and we’re ready for the second coat. So the second coat goes on very easily and covers extremely well. Quite often one coat will do but not every time. And again, I tend to do this every which way so it covers well and it has a little tiny bit of texture. Not completely smooth, which I like a lot.

[1 hour later]

Everything’s dry and I’m now ready to wax it. So I’m going to put Clear Wax on, I’m going to use this brush; it’s a special brush you don’t absolutely have to use it this brush, you use any brush you like or just a cloth if you like. So I’ll scrub it around a bit [loads brush in wax tin and starts applying] and then again big marks, big space, big shapes… nothing like this [demonstrates tiny brushstrokes].

You don’t want to put the loads and loads so everything you get you spread out as far as you can. And you cover everything, so you don’t sort of leave it like that with white bits or you need to get your glasses on and look to see. So I’ve missed a little bit in there there’s a little bit because of the texture in there. I’m going to make certain it goes everywhere. And then all you need to do is take a bit of cloth and I’ll just wipe over to get the excess off.

The reason that I’m waxing is to seal the paint. Without the wax it will absorb dirt and you’re not not able to wash it off terribly well. Also the most beautiful thing about wax is it’s got a lovely finish to it. It’s got a lovely mellow feel to it.

So the last drawer is going in. And there we are; finished. I’m really pleased with it. I think it looks a beautiful, beautiful colour and if you want to find out more about how I got the colour and where I got the inspiration have a look at the Oxfam videos of my visit to Ethiopia and you’ll see where it all came from.

Annie Sloan pokazuje jak malować jej farbą Chalk Paint™ w kolorze Lem Lem, który pochodzi z jej specjalnej limitowanej edycji koloru stworzonego we współpracy z organizacją charytatywną Oxfam. Każda sprzedana puszka Lem Lem zbiera datki na projekty Oxfam, które pomagają walczyć z ubóstwem na świecie.

  1. Wybierz mebel, który chcesz pomalować. Annie wybrała stolik nocny wykonany z drewna sosnowego. Jak zwykle z naszą farbą, nie ma potrzeby szlifowania ani gruntowania!
  2. Używając pędzla Chalk Paint™ Brush, pomaluj kolorem Lem Lem drewno – maluj we wszystkich kierunkach. Pozostaw do wyschnięcia.
  3. Jeżeli to koniecznie, nałóż drugą warstwę farby. Zostaw do wyschnięcia.
  4. Użyj pędzla do wosku Chalk Paint™ Wax Brush lub nie strzępiącej się ściereczki aby zaaplikować wosk bezbarwny Clear Chalk Paint™ Wax na całym meblu. Upewnij się, że wszystkie pomalowane fragmenty zostały zawoskowane, w tym również wgłębienia i zakamarki. Usuń jakikolwiek nadmiar wosku suchą szmatką.
  5. Przez kolejne 5 do 21 dni traktuj swój mebelek z odrobiną uwagi – to jest czas, w którym wosk dojrzewa do swojej pełnej odporności i twardnieje.

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Chalk Paint™

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