
Chińska Szafa

autorstwa shed eleven

Annie’s Painters in Residence shed eleven’s final piece sees this vintage armoire transformed into an opulent eastern statement.

Chinese Armoire by Annie Sloan Painters in Residence shed eleven painted with Chalk Paint® in Emperor's Silk

Fanny of shed eleven began this project by applying a base coat of Chalk Paint® in English Yellow over the entire piece, followed by a layer of Clear Chalk Paint® Wax. She then painted Emperor’s Silk in sections. Whilst the paint was still wet, Fanny used a comb to scrape through and reveal the layer of English Yellow beneath to create this Oriental fan design. She finished with Clear Chalk Paint® Wax over the whole piece, then added an additional coat of Dark Chalk Paint® Wax on the plain Emperor’s Silk parts of the Armoire.

Chinese Armoire by Annie Sloan Painters in Residence shed eleven painted with Chalk Paint® in Emperor's Silk and English Yellow sgraffito detail
Chinese Armoire by Annie Sloan Painters in Residence shed eleven painted with Chalk Paint® in Emperor's Silk and English Yellow before and progress

Inside is painted with Chalk Paint® in Graphite and Antibes Green; the contrast between the highly pigmented red and vivid green adds to the overall opulent effect. Ornamental details on the piece have been picked out in English Yellow and Graphite on the bottom panel.

Fanny has addded more eastern interest with auspicious boards, bought from Singapore and painted with Antibes Green and finished with Dark and Clear Wax.

Chinese Armoire by Annie Sloan Painters in Residence shed eleven painted with Chalk Paint® in Emperor's Silk
Singapore auspicious boards painted with Antibes Green and finished with Dark and Clear Wax by Annie Sloan Painters in Residence shed eleven

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Chinese Armoire by Annie Sloan Painters in Residence shed eleven painted with Chalk Paint® in Emperor's Silk
Pociągnięcie pędzla w kolorze Emperor's Silk Annie Sloan

Emperor’s Silk

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Bezbarwny wosk Chalk Paint™ Wax

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Chalk Paint™

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