
Jak wykonać poduszkę z frędzlami

One of the great joys of this fabric is the way that it fringes very, very easily. So we’ve made this cushion which is really, really easy to make.

I’ve got my tape measure, I’ve got the fabric out, and I’m going to do a snip to 50cm (in inches that’s 19 inches). And then I’m going to tear it. It tears beautifully. In fact, it’s much better if you tear because you get lots of nice lengths. The yarn will pull out and that’s the whole joy of it.

So I’m going to cut this all. Now I’ve got my second piece of fabric, so just to show how it will work eventually: it will be like that [holds up two pieces of fabric]. Sewn together along there with a cushion in the middle and then I’ll sew along there, but not with the cushion in of course.

Now I’m going to put these two together. How I did this is that there’s the two dark sides – the Aubusson – are together. They’re the two Provence sides – that just makes it richer and thicker. So this side they’re both the Aubusson colour, and this side they’re both the Provence colour. So now I’m just going to… [flattens tape measure along one side of the fabric] I’m using that as a guideline, and I’m just going to pin it about an inch down, a few centimetres down. So you’ve got enough to make a fringe. However big you want the fringe really!

So I’ve pinned the three sides – not all four, just three sides! – now I’m going to put it into the sewing machine.


So I’ve sewn the three sides. I’ve left one un-sewn, then I’m going to put my cushion inside there. I’ll then put pins along there and then I’ll sew it in with the cushion inside. So to save time, here’s one I did earlier. This is all finished like that. And now the fun starts!

This is the bit I love to do… and then you can just pull the threads. So you carry on pulling the threads until you’re happy with it, and then finally you’ve got something like this with the fringing all around and I think it looks absolutely wonderful.

Annie Sloan pokazuje, jak łatwe jest samodzielne wykonanie poduszki z materiału z kolekcji tkanin Linen Unions.

  1. Natnij wybraną tkaninę z kolekcji Linen Unions 50 cm od brzegu i rozerwij ją.
  2. Powtórz tę czynność przy drugim kawałku materiału, aby otrzymać dwa kwadraty z postrzępionymi brzegami z każdej strony.
  3. Złóż oba kwadraty ze sobą prawymi stronami na zewnątrz.
  4. Zepnij trzy strony materiału szpilkami ok 2,5 cm od brzegu i zszyj.
  5. Włóż poduszkę do środka, a następnie zepnij szpilkami i zszyj czwartą, otwartą stronę.
  6. Wyciągnij nici na każdej z czterech stron, aby stworzyć ładne, postrzępione brzegi.

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